University of El Oued

Research in sustainable development by Academic Staff at the University of El Oued

The University of El Oued encourages its academic staff to actively participate in research activities that contribute to the achievement of the 17 sustainable development goals. The following outcomes are a result of extensive research conducted to address these goals, including fighting poverty.


Investing in renewable energies to achieve sustainable development in Algeria

Requirements for activating Islamic microfinance in Al Baraka Bank of Algeria in order to achieve sustainable development

Digital technology and its impact on the dimensions of sustainable development in Algeria

National experience in sustainable development

The impact of foreign direct investment in supporting the dimensions of sustainable development in Algeria, a standard study for the period (1995-2019)

Sustainable development, its dimensions and indicators for measuring it, economic reading

Sustainable development: its philosophy and measurement tools

Digital cultural heritage and its impact on sustainable tourism development

Tourism public relations…the path towards achieving sustainable tourism development

The role of green bonds in achieving sustainable development

The importance of food security policies in the Maghreb countries in achieving sustainable development

The green economy and the stakes for achieving sustainable development – the case of Algeria

The role of big data in supporting sustainable development

The contribution of financial sustainability to achieving the “sustainable development goals” in Algeria 2020 – an applied study for the period: 2000

The role of the agricultural sector in achieving sustainable development – a case study of the state of El Oued during the period (2005-2019)

Renewable energy as a strategy for achieving sustainable development in the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia)

Sustainable development in Arab countries between the inevitability of development and the reality of possibilities

The duality of big data and artificial intelligence to achieve sustainable development at the international level – an analytical study

A case study of the analysis of the main components of urban development indicators in the municipality of Sidi Amrane, Al-Mughair Governorate