University of El Oued


Announcement to Teachers

As part of the dissemination of the training process for teachers in the field of remote teaching technologies and strategies, and in accordance with the correspondence of the Secretary-General of the Ministry, and with the aim of continuing the same strategy outlined by the administration regarding the gradual consolidation of distance learning, and to enhance all institutions with skills contributing to:

  1. Disseminating remote learning for all Transversal and exploratory units
  2. Supporting in-person teaching with remote teaching, based on several possible pedagogical scenarios, concerning basic and methodological units, by alternating between them.

We would like to remind you that a self-training course will be launched starting from February 16 in the form of an online winter university: “The Electronic Winter University – Remote Teaching Technologies and Strategies,” representing a new edition of the “Electronic Summer University” that took place from July 10 to September 30.

Therefore, we request teachers appointed before 2016 to register via their professional email (the only acceptable one) by no later than February 15 through the following link:
