University of El Oued

Prof. Omar Farhati forms a preparatory committee to  inaugurate an  annexe of Medicine Faculty at El Oued University

At the request of the Rector of Echahid  Hamma Lakhdar University, Professor Omar Farahati, to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Badari Kamal, at the National Universities Symposium on 01/07/2023, in order to open the annexe  of medicine faculty at El Oued University which  is ready  (all material capabilities And the available human resources) for the opening of the annexe  of medicine faculty in El Oued; the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research expressed his initial approval, considering this project as part of the strategy set by the Ministry.

The Rector of the University formed a preparatory committee to ensure the completion of the file, consisting of the following:

Prof. Darraji Makki, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Chairman.

Professor Mansour  Abdelouahab , Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences

Dr. Zaatar Abdelmalak, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences

The committee launched its field work and initiated contacts with public and private bodies and all institutions of a health nature in the wilaya.

The file will be deposited with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research before 01/11/2023