University of El Oued

 El Oued University controls digitization scheme projects

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, the Strategic Committee for Digitization of Echahid Hamma Lakhdar University, under the direction of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, held its first meeting to set the work plan . The committee is composed of  project heads who are charged  with the implementation of digitization process at the university level.

  The  Strategic Office for Digitization at El Oued University is chaired by Professor Guedda Elhabib, who supervised the meeting with the assistance of Engineers Guediri Samir and Dr.Mdillah Sassi. The meeting was attended by a group of heads of projects, to be followed this Wednesday by a second similar meeting that includes the rest of the heads of projects proposed by the digitization committee.

In this meeting, the head of the committee presented the goal of the digitization project plan and the proposed operations to be implemented at the level of the University. The meeting included an exchange of views and a number of proposals and directives to ensure the success of digitization projects on time. According to the digitization strategic plan card, the number of projects to be implemented is estimated at 31 digital projects.

List of programmed projects:

-Pedagogical training project for teachers

-Technical and administrative training project

 -Developing  the technical and administrative staff skills in computer sciences.

-Content management project (cloud) for teachers

-A project of technical and recreational workshops for technical and  administrative staff and students

–  Disaggregation of data of formation offers by certificate.

-Create a tab on an organization’s social network sharing site (public)

  A project to create a platform for “awareness of graduates” about    success stories and positions held by graduates

 – Workshop project for creating multimedia content

  -Project of producing social media pages for posters

-A platform  to detect thefts (insured) at the local level

-Lessons on line and data presentation, with detailed lesson support

-Flipped classroom .

-Student email project

–  A digital room equipped for the blind people.

– Project to face any possible electrical defect

-Workplace security project

-Network access security project

-A computer  resource charter.

– Set up a committee to manage the agreements for research( financing and accounting)

-Materialization of all operations: management, business and support

-Digitizing props and archives

-Enrich the content and improve the design, construction and updating of the Foundation’s website

-Documentary resource exchange between all directions of the university

-The subscription project ( Times Higher Education )

-Construction of a platform for publications

 -DSPACE Integration (Intellectual Property)

-PNST Subscription (Cerist)

-supporting  participation in the national online documentation system